
Perhaps prosthetics is a big investment when we’re considering complete restoration of all teeth, which includes big prosthetic constructions (bridges, crowns, dentures) but we should also have in mind that’s a long-term investment (10-20 years), often a lifetime investment, and that’s a need towards which we can’t be indifferent. Prosthetics offers variety of possibilities and solutions from which we can choose in the process of decision-making and the construction of prosthetic appliances in the cases of complete or partial tooth lost. That’s why prosthetics has it’s rightful place as queen of stomathology; although we must mention prosthetics wouldn’t be able to accomplish everything without the previous preparation of the teeth and the mutual participation of the other branches of stomathology.
Unfortunately many people understand the real importance and the valuable role of the teeth in their lives when it’s too late i.e. when they loose them. We do not exaggerate when we say that teeth are functional and aesthetic organ:
- peaking proper pronunciation of letters and sounds – phonetics;
- Chewing and grinding of food – mastication;
- The looks of the lower part of the face – physiognomy;
- Aesthetics- the position of the teeth defines the beauty of the smile.
For all this reasons every premature lost of teeth makes a complete disorder on the functionality of this important organ, as well as the appearance of one person and that destroys their self-confidence. Besides our best efforts to preserve the teeth in some cases they cannot be saved. And that’s why we have prosthetics.
The services in this branch are divided in two major groups:
- Mobile prosthetics
- Fixed prosthetics
Perhaps prosthetics is a big investment when we’re considering complete restoration of all teeth, which includes big prosthetic constructions (bridges, crowns, dentures) but we should also have in mind that’s a long-term investment (10-20 years), often a lifetime investment, and that’s a need towards which we can’t be indifferent. Prosthetics offers variety of possibilities and solutions from which we can choose in the process of decision-making and the construction of prosthetic appliances in the cases of complete or partial tooth lost. That’s why prosthetics has it’s rightful place as queen of stomathology; although we must mention prosthetics wouldn’t be able to accomplish everything without the previous preparation of the teeth and the mutual participation of the other branches of stomathology.
Unfortunately many people understand the real importance and the valuable role of the teeth in their lives when it’s too late i.e. when they loose them. We do not exaggerate when we say that teeth are functional and aesthetic organ:
- peaking proper pronunciation of letters and sounds – phonetics;
- Chewing and grinding of food – mastication;
- The looks of the lower part of the face – physiognomy;
- Aesthetics- the position of the teeth defines the beauty of the smile.
For all this reasons every premature lost of teeth makes a complete disorder on the functionality of this important organ, as well as the appearance of one person and that destroys their self-confidence. Besides our best efforts to preserve the teeth in some cases they cannot be saved. And that’s why we have prosthetics.
The services in this branch are divided in two major groups:
- Mobile prosthetics
- Fixed prosthetics
Mobile prosthetics
Mobile prosthetics it’s a solution for complete and partial teeth lost (although lately it’s being more and more replaced with fixed prosthetics because of the use of implants). Mobile prosthetics is a better solution in those cases when fixed cannot be applied because of the specific teeth order. We in Stomadent Vital make:
- Complete (classic) dentures - are made in the cases of complete teeth lost and when the patient refuses implants.
- Partial (classic) dentures – they are made when there are some teeth left in the mouth, but because of their bad order fixed bridges cannot be made.
- Vizil – are made of a metallic skeleton that include different attachments, according to the plan of the treatment and the possibilities we have with the given situation of the patient’s mouth. And off course we should try to get the best functionality and aesthetics of the teeth.

Maxilla Metalceramic bridges, mandibula mobile prothesis
Fixed Prosthetics
Dental Bridges
Zirconia crowns and bridges
Porcelan veneers
Mobile prosthetics
Mobile prosthetics it’s a solution for complete and partial teeth lost (although lately it’s being more and more replaced with fixed prosthetics because of the use of implants). Mobile prosthetics is a better solution in those cases when fixed cannot be applied because of the specific teeth order. We in Stomadent Vital make:
- Complete (classic) dentures - are made in the cases of complete teeth lost and when the patient refuses implants.
- Partial (classic) dentures – they are made when there are some teeth left in the mouth, but because of their bad order fixed bridges cannot be made.
- Vizil – are made of a metallic skeleton that include different attachments, according to the plan of the treatment and the possibilities we have with the given situation of the patient’s mouth. And off course we should try to get the best functionality and aesthetics of the teeth.

Maxilla Metalceramic bridges, mandibula mobile prothesis
Fixed Prosthetics
Dental Bridges
Zirconia crowns and bridges
Porcelan veneers
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