Oral Surgery

Oral surgery

Oral surgery

In a certain situations due to different reasons the tooth cannot be left in the mouth i.e. it should be extracted, because it’s hazardous for the person’s health. This is the subject of study in oral surgery. The extraction of teeth is necessary i.e. urgent especially in the case of acute dental infections, or when the infection has reached the alveolar ridge of the jaw, usually caused by the spread of infection from an adjacent nonvital tooth, also called dental abscess.

Oral surgery as a branch In stomathology is closely related to anesthesiology, which is very important because we want our patients to feel relaxed and freed from fear of pain or any kind of anxiety during the treatment. Our oral surgery services are:

  • Dental extraction (simple and complicated extractions)
  • Implantology

Dental extraction – is procedure in which the tooth is completely removed from its alveolar bone. Before we start with this surgery intervention we give sedative, different medicines, which depend on the patient’s diagnosis. Second very important thing is giving anesthesia, which helps us to have completely painless intervention. The procedure of dental extraction can be easy or difficult:

  • Simple Extractions (loosen teeth, straight roots position etc.)
  • Complicated Extractions (fracture teeth or fracture roots, hypercemented or ankylosis teeth)

The result of successful extraction is of course related to the technique of work, as well as the position of the teeth roots.

 Extracted Teeth

Implantology - is oral surgery intervention in which the empty alveolar space [because of a removed tooth recently or many years ago] is filed with implants. This new and modern part from oral surgery, gives hope to the patients with no teeth in the alveolar bone, especially because is very hard for one to get used to wearing complete denture. Implants give us such an opportunity in our prosthetic dental work, about which we could‘ve only dreamt in the past.

Of course we must mention that the biocompatibility of the implants with the alveolar bone is different, sometimes completely successful, and other times not. But experts everyday work on it with great results.

Oral surgery

In a certain situations due to different reasons the tooth cannot be left in the mouth i.e. it should be extracted, because it’s hazardous for the person’s health. This is the subject of study in oral surgery. The extraction of teeth is necessary i.e. urgent especially in the case of acute dental infections, or when the infection has reached the alveolar ridge of the jaw, usually caused by the spread of infection from an adjacent nonvital tooth, also called dental abscess.

Oral surgery as a branch In stomathology is closely related to anesthesiology, which is very important because we want our patients to feel relaxed and freed from fear of pain or any kind of anxiety during the treatment. Our oral surgery services are:

  • Dental extraction (simple and complicated extractions)
  • Implantology

Dental extraction – is procedure in which the tooth is completely removed from its alveolar bone. Before we start with this surgery intervention we give sedative, different medicines, which depend on the patient’s diagnosis. Second very important thing is giving anesthesia, which helps us to have completely painless intervention. The procedure of dental extraction can be easy or difficult:

  • Simple Extractions (loosen teeth, straight roots position etc.)
  • Complicated Extractions (fracture teeth or fracture roots, hypercemented or ankylosis teeth)

The result of successful extraction is of course related to the technique of work, as well as the position of the teeth roots.

 Extracted Teeth

Implantology - is oral surgery intervention in which the empty alveolar space [because of a removed tooth recently or many years ago] is filed with implants. This new and modern part from oral surgery, gives hope to the patients with no teeth in the alveolar bone, especially because is very hard for one to get used to wearing complete denture. Implants give us such an opportunity in our prosthetic dental work, about which we could‘ve only dreamt in the past.

Of course we must mention that the biocompatibility of the implants with the alveolar bone is different, sometimes completely successful, and other times not. But experts everyday work on it with great results.


Operating Hours

  • Monday-Friday 13.00–20.00
  • Saturday 10.00–14.00
  • Sunday Closed
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Who are we
Stomadent Vital is a private dental clinic working to improve your dental health. A great smile can make a huge difference to the way we look and feel and to the way in which other people react to us.
About Dr. Lidija Gjoneska
Dr. Lidija Gjoneska - owner and director of a Private Dental Clinic "Stomadent Vital". Completed secondary medical education in 1993. Graduated on the Faculty of Dentistry at the University "St.Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in the year 2000. The same year started with work at the Dental Department of the Military Hospital in the city of Skopje.
Since 2006 until today works in her own Private Dental Clinic "Stomadent Vital", as a doctor of dentistry.
Contact Us

St. Atinska 21, 1000, Skopje, Macedonia

+389 70 350 645 +389 2 32 45 206


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